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In the face of immense danger and overwhelming odds, Bryan Stern and his dedicated team have consistently demonstrated unparalleled bravery and a benevolent spirit that shines brightly in the darkest times.
Through every mission, whether amid war, terror attacks, or natural disasters, Bryan Stern and his team have shown an extraordinary commitment to saving lives and alleviating suffering. Their actions epitomize the highest standards of bravery and humanitarianism, standing as a testament to the power of selflessness and the unwavering resolve to make the world safer.



The operations team, led by Bryan Stern, has conducted denied area and near-peer targeted rescue missions to save American citizens held hostage, unlawfully detained, illegally charged, incarcerated and at high risk of being captured and interrogated.

These operations use the full spectrum of tradecraft, driven by experience, intelligence and technology .


Humanitarian Aid


Our experienced team, led by Bryan Stern, is dedicated to providing comprehensive humanitarian aid operations in some of the most challenging and dangerous environments around the globe. With a proven track record of conducting successful missions in war zones, natural disaster areas, and regions under siege, our team is equipped to deliver critical aid and support where needed most.



We offer specialized contingency logistics services designed to support complex and high-risk missions. Our logistics expertise ensures that we can deliver the resources needed to achieve mission success even in the most unpredictable and hostile environments. With a proven track record of executing challenging operations, our team is equipped to navigate and overcome logistical obstacles, ensuring seamless mission execution and success.


In August 2021, before the American withdrawal from Afghanistan and the Taliban’s subsequent takeover on August 30, Bryan Stern and Team rapidly deployed, risking their lives to save others. As chaos erupted, they conducted dozens of dangerous operations during the mass evacuation, rescuing over 1,000 people, navigating through hostile territories to bring hope and safety of those left behind.

Undeterred by the imminent danger, Bryan Stern and his team orchestrated a daring mission on September 26, 2021, just over three weeks after the Taliban took control. They executed a high-stakes operation, landing the first charter aircraft in Kabul and rescuing 117 Americans from a fate of uncertainty and peril.

Photo courtesy Claire Harbage/NPR


The heroism of our Operations team did not stop there. As Russia unleashed its devastating invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, bringing with it a wave of brutality, bombings, targeting of civilians, genocide, rape, and torture reminiscent of the darkest days of WWII, Bryan Stern and Team once again sprang into action. Forward-deploying to Ukraine in late January 2022, well before the pending invasion, they were on the ground, ready to act. With the U.S. Embassy closed and evacuated weeks earlier, leaving Americans and allies without resources or support, Bryan and his team provided a lifeline, navigating through war-torn landscapes to bring people to safety.


The world witnessed another horrific event on October 7, 2023, when the terrorist organization Hamas launched a surprise attack from the Gaza Strip into Israel. Thousands were slaughtered in an attack more significant than 9/11 by scale, with men, women, children, and babies murdered, tortured, and taken hostage. Among the victims were Americans. Once again, Bryan Stern and his team surged into action, their courage and resolve unwavering, as they assisted in the evacuation of hundreds of American citizens from the nightmare unfolding before them.


In March 2024, heavily armed gangs laid a violent siege in the Haitian Capital of Port-au-Prince, trapping thousands of Americans and other civilians. Thousands of violent gang members terrorized the country, compelling a partial evacuation of the U.S. Embassy and the need for mass evacuations of civilians caught in the insurgency. As the gangs operated throughout the country, Bryan Stern and Team used helicopters, small planes, cars, and even boats to conduct dangerous rescue missions amidst the violence.

This mission was one of many larger-scale, even more dangerous operations conducted via airplane, helicopter, boat, and land to rescue Americans. Drawing from their war-zone expertise and leveraging generous donor resources, the team launched a series of complex helicopter air rescues from hasty landing zones deep in gang-infested hostile districts, resulting in over 50 Americans rescued from danger. Using carefully selected extraction points, unmarked landing zones like school soccer fields, and brave pilots flying multiple helicopters, Bryan and his Special Operations veteran ops team safely evacuated men, women, children, babies, the elderly, medically compromised individuals, and even a few pets stranded in the violence with no hope or options.


Another testament to their commitment, Bryan and his team rescued over 146 Americans from Sudan when the raging civil war escalated in April of 2023, and the U.S. Embassy evacuated, leaving thousands behind. The team were on the ground and planning the operation to rescue Americans the following day.  This operation was the first successful American air mission of the conflict, completed after the airspace was closed.

Hurricane Ian

In October 2022, when Hurricane Ian barreled towards Tampa, where Bryan Stern and his team were headquartered, they foresaw the devastating impact it would have as it changed trajectory to make landfall near Fort Myers. Recognizing the potential for immense destruction and the entrapment of innocent civilians on the barrier islands, Bryan and his team quickly built a comprehensive rescue plan. They set conditions for maritime and air rescues. Before the sun had risen on day one, the team had boats in the water, conducting rescues ahead of local, state, and federal agencies, even the U.S. Coast Guard.

Maui Fires

In response to the 2023 Maui fires, Bryan Stern and his team showcased their rapid response capabilities. As the fires ravaged Maui, the team went into emergency launch preparations. It deployed an operations team to get boots on the ground in less than 24 hours. Their swift action amidst the ongoing fires provided critical assistance to those affected, underscoring their commitment to saving lives and alleviating suffering.

Hurricane Helene

On September 27, 2024, Hurricane Helene, a level 4 hurricane, made landfall in Florida and wrought devastation across the southeastern U.S. Tampa-based non-profit, Grey Bull Rescue, was deployed and ready to assist those stranded and needing rescue, as they had done with Hurricane Ian in 2022.

At 2:00 a.m. on September 28, Mike Murphy, owner of Murphy Auto Group and a recent generous donor to Grey Bull Rescue, called Bryan Stern with an urgent plea for help. Floodwaters had engulfed their neighborhood, and to make matters worse, the electric vehicle in their garage had exploded into flames, turning their house into a blazing inferno. Mike’s wife, along with their baby and toddler fled to the neighbor’s house, which was now also under threat from the fire. With the blaze closing in and the floodwaters rising, they were trapped. First responders had informed them they could not dispatch help due to the chest-deep water.

The Grey Bull Rescue team sprang into action. Racing against time, they navigated through torrents of deep, debris-choked floodwaters. By 3:00 a.m., the team had reached the scene, braving the perilous conditions, and successfully rescuing ten people and two dogs by boat; providing a lifeline where none other existed.