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Document Retention & Destruction Policy


The Grey Bull Rescue Foundation Corp. (the “Grey Bull Rescue) acknowledges its responsibility to (a) retain records and (b) preserve information relating to litigation, audits and investigations to remain in compliance with all federal and state laws and regulations. This Policy shall apply to all records regardless of whether the records are stored on paper or on computer hard drives, floppy disks or other electronic media.

The purpose of this Document Retention and Destruction Policy (the “Policy”) is to:

  1. ensure that all critical corporate records, are retained either permanently or for the required period (see Schedule A, Records Retention Schedule); and
  2. ensure that records are destroyed pursuant to a standard policy that has been developed for business reasons.


II. Corporate Records

The corporate records of Grey Bull Rescue (the “Corporate Records”) include all records produced by directors, officers, members or employees, whether in paper or electronic form. The Corporate Records include memoranda, e-mail, contracts, minutes, voicemail, reports, receipts and revenue filings regardless of where the document is stored, including network servers, desktop or laptop computers and handheld computers and other wireless devices with text messaging capabilities. 


III. Retention of Records

The Corporate Records should be retained for the relevant period set forth on Schedule A. The categories listed on Schedule A are intended to be general and should be interpreted as including all types of records relating to that category, including correspondence, notes, and reports. Documents sent to storage should be identified by category and should specify a scheduled destruction date in accordance with Schedule A.


 IV. Destruction of Records

  1. The Chief Financial Officer (the “CFO”) and/or Secretary (the “Secretary”) of the Executive Board of Directors (the “Executive Board”; the “Board”) shall be responsible for ensuring that any scheduled destruction of the Corporate Records is carried out in accordance with Schedule A and this Policy.
  2. Prior to destruction of records, the permission of the CFO is required to ensure that there is no reason that an exception should be made to the policy. All discarded documents are to be shredded or sent to a recycling company, with which Grey Bull Rescue has confidentiality agreement.
  3. Destruction of records relating to litigation or governmental investigations may constitute a criminal offense. The CFO and/or Secretary shall be responsible for suspending destruction of any Corporate Records as soon as any litigation, governmental investigation or audit, civil action or enforcement proceeding is suspected, reasonably anticipated or commenced against the Corporation, its officers, directors, members or employees.
  4. A director, officer, member, or employee with knowledge of potential or actual litigation, an external audit, investigation or similar proceeding involving the Corporation, must report this information to the Board of Directors as soon as possible.


 V. Administration and Oversight

  1. From time to time, Grey Bull Rescue may establish additional retention or destruction policies or schedules. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if any director or employee believes or is informed by Grey Bull Rescue that certain records are relevant to litigation or potential litigation, then those records must be preserved until the board of directors determines the records are no longer needed.
  2. The CFO and/or Secretary is responsible for the administration and enforcement of this Policy. Either the CFO or Secretary must monitor compliance with the retention periods. That person is specifically charged with overseeing periodic reviews of records in accordance with the Policy.

Grey Bull Rescue Foundation Corp.
Document Retention and Destruction Policy 28 June 2024